徐州万渤商务服务有限公司,成立于2012年初,是徐州市唯一一家,以发展贸易、商务调查、商务投资为目标的企业。公司经过三年积极地探索与实践,已形成了一个管理有序、行政有效、服务一体化的营销网络。公司内部管理规范、严格,建立了基于Intranet 上的办公自动化网络和科学管理体系,具备全面实现电子商务的功能。 面对竞争与挑战,公司不断开拓创新,经营灵活快捷、服务管理到位、致力打造一个可以持续发展的新型经济贸易服务型企业。公司注重人才的引进和培养,拥有一支具有现代营销理念、专业知识和开拓能力的团队,专业人员占职工总数的95%。 公司全体同仁本着客户第一、服务至上的经营理念,竭诚为中小型企业的发展和在发展中遇到的一切问题提供帮助与服务。你我携手,共创美好未来! Xuzhou million Bohai Business Service Co., Ltd., established in early 2012, Xuzhou City, only a, to the trade development, business survey, business investment is the target of the enterprise. After three years of exploration and practice, the company has formed a marketing network, which is in order to manage the orderly, the administrative efficiency and the service integration. Company internal management norms, strict, was established based on Intranet of office automation network and scientific management system, with full realization of the function of electronic commerce. In the face of competition and challenges, the company continues to develop and innovate, management flexibility, service management in place, to create a sustainable development of the new economic and trade service oriented enterprises. Companies focus on the introduction and training of personnel, with a modern marketing concept, professional knowledge and ability to develop the team, the total number of employees accounted for 95%. All my colleagues in the company in line with customer first, service-oriented business philosophy, dedicated to the development of small and medium enterprises and in the development of all the problems encountered in the development and services. You and I work together to create a better future!
- 所在地区:江苏省徐州市
- 行业分类:服装及其他纤维制品制造业
- 地址:江苏省 徐州市 云龙区 万达广场
- 邮编:221003